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Personal Development

Overcoming childhood or adulthood traumas is often difficult because the root cause of the reactions is stored in the subconscious part of the mind.


Traumas are painful incidents or events that the brain judged too painful to remember as they happened.  The brain will then repress, suppress or modify the facts to cope with the reality on a "survival mode" or to be accepted by the caretaker.


From then on, each event that brings back a similar feeling will bring a distortion reaction, most of the time, unwanted since the source is from a hurt inner child, so, not related to the present adult normal reaction.  The blockage that affects the present life is never started in the present situation but is simply a coping reaction to a hurt in a past event, that can be healed.


Hypnotherapy is very efficient to understand the root cause, heal and release unconscious blocks and change the reaction from the hurt inner child or hurt adult to an aware and harmonious adult reaction.   Therefore, live a happier and peaceful life.  If you are ready to release your unconscious blocks, give us a call at 239-564-1080 or Click on Make an Appointment.

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