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Finding Joy after Loss

Loss, Grief & Bereavement

Grief and Bereavement describe the numerous thoughts and feelings we experience when we lose something or someone we love. Grieving comes in many forms and may not necessarily involve the death of a person, although this is the most widely known cause of bereavement. We can find ourselves grieving at the end of a relationship or a friendship, at the loss of a job or of financial security, after a miscarriage, because of infertility, or because of serious illness or disability – our own or someone we love; or even at the death of a pet. The more central to our lives the thing we have lost, the greater the sense of loss and grief we experience.


Grief Stages

Although the experience of grief is absolutely natural and normal, and something which everyone goes through at some point in their lives, it is nonetheless extremely difficult and painful.  Although we all go through the process of grieving, each individual experiences it differently.


Stages can include initial shock, denial and disbelief, followed by suffering, sadness, anger, guilt, anxiety and finally recovery. However many people don’t in fact experience every single emotion which is stated to be part of the grief stages, and very few people experience them in the order in which they’re set out. It can even make you feel worse if you try to fit your own feelings into this sort of pattern, and find that they don’t match. This can lead to a feeling of isolation and of guilt that you are failing to grieve “properly”.


Many people feel guilt at things they did or didn’t say or do; feelings of anger and blame are also common, as is increased anxiety and stress. You may suffer anxiety about how you will cope without the person you have lost, about your own health, about dying, about financial insecurity, or about the loss of your place in the world. You may lose confidence and self-esteem, or develop a fear of loneliness. You may also experience physical symptoms of grief – loss of appetite, weight loss or weight gain, sickness, fatigue, sleeplessness, increased susceptibility to illness.


Hypnotherapy can give you positive suggestions to help cope with anxiety, insomnia, deep sadness and depression, and other symptoms of grieving; it can reduce feelings of guilt and blame, and help you to find ways to cope in the future. It can give you suggestions to encourage you to look after your physical health. Hypnotherapy can also help you to begin to move on, to begin to live your life again and to learn to enjoy yourself once more without feeling guilty. It can help you to find ways to remember the person you have lost, and to still feel that they are part of you and part of your life. Hypnosis also helps to rebuild confidence when you have suffered the loss of a job or financial security, and to get rid of anxiety and insecurity when you are getting over the loss of a relationship or the death of a pet. Hypnotherapy helps you to regain confidence, enthusiasm, and motivation in your daily life.

If you experience a loss, a grief or bereavement and need help, know that we are here for you.  Call 239-564-1080 or Click on Make an Appointment.

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