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Clinical Solutions

Fear of Dental Procedure

Dental fear is a universal phenomenon justifying the increasing relevance of psychology and the behavioral sciences to dental training and clinical practice. Pharmacological sedation has been used more and more over the past two decades, in order to relieve dental anxiety and phobia and let the patient face oral surgery safely.


Hypnosis is a still underused but powerful non-pharmacological tool in dentistry. It provides an effective sedation while maintaining patient collaboration, but it also may help patients recovering from dental anxiety and phobia as well as those with a severe gag reflex. While pharmacological sedation affords a temporary respite and helps the patient to cope with a single procedure, hypnosis can effectively allow for both an excellent sedation in a physiological way and the treatment of patients' anxiety, or substantially decrease the doses used for sedative and analgesic drugs when these are needed.


Do you avoid going to the dentist, even in the midst of severe dental pain? Do you feel weird in your stomach when you merely think of visiting the dentist? Do your hands start sweating? Maybe your start to feel a little dizzy? If so, it’s likely that you suffer from dental phobia. A fear of visiting the dentist is very common, so you are not alone. The question is, are you going to settle for living with your fear or are you going to overcome it?  You should be visiting your dentist twice a year or more. If you have a dental phobia, then it is likely that you’re not even coming close to this schedule and even as you’re reading this, your teeth and your gums may be in jeopardy.


The good news is that you don’t have to live with this fear of dentists any longer. This fear is very likely to be the result of something you somehow learned about a long time ago. This idea, this thought, managed to convince your subconscious mind that a visit to the dentist was something to be feared. But what the subconscious mind can learn, it can just as easily unlearn. This is exactly what hypnotherapy does for you.


Imagine what it would be like to actually look forward to visiting your dentist! Enjoy that smooth clean feeling on your teeth! Feel pleasantly relaxed while you’re in that chair!

If you wish to cease your fear, know that we are looking forward to helping you.  You can call 239-564-1080 or Click on Make an Appointment.

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