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Clinical Solutions

Hair and Eyelash Pulling (Trichotillomania)

Clinical Hypnotherapy has been used as a treatment for Trichotillomania for many years and individuals report that it can be highly effective for both adults and children.


Clinical Hypnotherapy can help cure hair and eyelash pulling by changing this automatic behavior manage by the subconscious mind.  It is why it can be so difficult to overcome a hair pulling habit through conscious effort or willpower alone.  As the mind is receptive to suggestions in hypnosis trance, we can easily and effectively change the unwanted behaviors for calmer and healthier ones, which usually happen very quickly.


We might also attempt to establish an initiating cause using regression. Here, we regress our client to a point in time when hair pulling as a problem was absent and move forward in time-stages until the problem is encountered.  Then it is a case of establishing and event or fundamental misconception which set up the errant behavioral pattern and reviewing it in the light of conscious attention, changing the misinterpretation of the past reaction and therefore, healing the unwanted behavior at the root cause.


If you have suffered enough from this behavior, please call 239-564-1080 or Click on Make an Appointment.

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