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Control Your Life

Conquer An Addiction Or Dependency

Using a combination of clinical hypnotherapy and neuro-linguistic programming, we’ve helped hundreds of clients successfully overcome a wide range of physical and behavioral addictions, including cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, sex and gambling.


Our philosophy is simple - by treating the true cause of an addiction or dependency, while rebuilding your emotional strength, we can help you to stop with a genuine sense of freedom, liberation, and control.


The reason our approach works is because we understand that your “addiction" is not part of you and you certainly were not born with it. It’s simply something that you have learned to do as a means to cope or to feel somehow better in life (not that you actually do!).  You see, an addiction or dependency is defined as a behavior or activity that is pursued to excess, changes our mood rapidly and generates both pleasure and pain.  Addictions manifest when we fail to meet our own emotional needs directly - an addiction prevents our intention to find natural strategies to meet our needs and acts as a surrogate - it becomes the go-to strategy to feel instant pleasure.


Even though it is a psychological and physiological fact that the more we do something, the less pleasure we get from it, we continue to associate the original pleasure to the behavior rather than the current reality, which is usually very (very) different.


Indeed, most of our clients have come to understand that by continuing to do more of what they've been doing, all they are going to get is more of what they've already got, which is usually ill health, ill wealth, life imbalance, a disconnection with the people they love most or, major issues with their careers.  But it doesn't have to be this way.


We can help you to deal with the underlying cause of your addiction, change the way your mind associates to your old unwanted dependency or behavior and, help you to feel a new and exciting level of self-confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem so you can start living the life you desire and the life you deserve. 

Ultimately we can help you feel free and liberated from that old unwanted addiction or dependency. 


The reason why we’re successful at helping clients' beat their addictions is because we work across both the conscious and subconscious parts of the mind.


Through Clinical Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), we work with a client’s subconscious mind, or more specifically their belief system, memory, and imagination.


For most clients, we would look to see them an average of two to four times.  If you're wanting to stop your addiction, call Art of Mind Hypnotherapy or click on Make an Appointment.

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