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Personal Development

Public Speaking

At Art of Mind Hypnotherapy, we use a combination of Advanced Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Regression to help you to overcome your fear of speaking to a group.  You can feel altogether calmer, more relaxed and all importantly more confident when you chose to speak to a group.


Your fear or phobia is simply something that you have learned to do. You were not born with it and it is most certainly not part of your physiological or psychological make-up.  For some, this learning takes place during their formative years, typically as a result of an uncomfortable situation when asked to read or speak in a classroom or at home.  As a result of the fear experienced in that moment, the subconscious mind creates an early warning system to protect us. This early warning system is constantly looking for similar circumstances in your present life and when recognized, the subconscious tries to warn and protect us through the use of our autonomic nervous system, i.e. our fight and flight mechanism.


For others, this is a new and frightening experience. Many clients describe years of confident speaking to a group and then the fear and anxiety develop very rapidly.  Typically this relates to a situation where an individual is extremely stressed and that stress peaks during a meeting or presentation. Again, at that moment the subconscious creates an early warning system to warn and protect us, not from getting too stressed generally which was the real cause, but from speaking to a group specifically.


Unfortunately, consciously trying to control this kind of fear or phobia can be extremely difficult and often ends up simply making matters worse. The reason is because what we focus on we tend to amplify, so trying to think our way out of fear typically leads to us increasing the symptoms.


The reason why we're so successful at helping clients to overcome their fear of speaking to a group is because we regress to the root cause, heal and redirect the mind to the wanted and relaxed behavior.  And as a result, all those old feelings of anxiety and fear can easily and comfortably become a thing of the past.


So if you would like help overcoming your fear of speaking to a group, call Art of Mind Hypnotherapy or Click on Make an Appointment.

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